Sunday past was Father's Day and while I was in church GOD reminded me of a time in my life that I yearned for the love of my biological father. I was in my early 20s and had met my biological father a few times only for him to deny my brother and I on all occasions. Growing up I felt rejected by him and it affected my life. I can remember crying over him and wishing he loved my brother and I like he loved his others kids. IT HURT! As I got older and started dating the rejection affected my relationships. I didn't feel pretty enough or adequate enough because if my own father didn't love me then how can anyone else.
When I was about 25 GOD delivered me! Hallejuah I was at church one Sunday and I can remember being in pain (emotionally) and crying out to GOD. GOD met me there at the alter. HE wrapped me in HIS arms and said "CRY no more over this man. I have sent you two dads that love you unconditionally and NOT only that I am your DADDY. I am here for you ALWAYS!"
At that moment I was delivered from the spirit of rejection and my biological father's actions no longer affected me. GOD was right I had two DADS who loved me..mistakes and all! LOL Most importantly MY GOD LOVED ME!
Two years later when I got married I was okay when my biological father declined my invitation to my wedding. My wonderful Fathers Otis and James and my twin brother Antonius (who as always acted like my walked me down the aisle.
Today I still pray for my biological father that GOD will deliver him and I wish him well.
Thank you GOD for reminding me of where you brought me from! Thank you for your unconditional LOVE! Thank you for taking care of every situation in my life! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DADDY!
Ephesians 3: 17-19
1 Corinthians 13:13
A'keta Julinate'
A'keta Julinate'
A'Keta as your words resonated very loudly within my soul. I am so thankful that you were able to move upward to our heavenly father. Parents don't understand that no matter how young or old we are if we are rejected we carry that scar with us for a long time until we are able to accept it. If we are not stong enough it can strip us of everything that we are, steal our dreams, hopes and desires! All because their choice not ours. Compassion, Love and Bonding is not something that you can buy it is given from someone who cares for us not matter what. For parents who may not understand this is that your child was given to you as a gift. That child picked you to be the parent. How lucky and special that is to think on that level. Take a moment and say WOW my child picked me!!! As a mother I cherish my son with all that I am I know that he has a voice, he feels pain and he sees without tainted eyes unless I give him reason otherwise. If we have been neglected it only makes us stronger to not pass that part onto our children. I beg you please do not give your children that extra luggage and burden to carry. God will always be there if we ask him to enter our world in that sense you will never be rejected.
ReplyDeleteA'Keta your words are amazing and very touching! Continue on your path and let your light shine!
Hey Dawn! Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad that GOD delivered me from feeling like that because it was a hard time in my life. There were days I would just cry over this man. I felt like I was not good enough. Like I didn't matter. I am so thankful for GOD's love!
ReplyDeleteLIke always your words are always beautiful!
Thanks again!